[Press Release] SLC to Add Second Concourse North of Future Terminal

Salt Lake City, UT—The Salt Lake City International Airport is planning to build a $740 million concourse north of the existing terminal to accommodate forecasted growth in passenger traffic and to replace aging facilities. The North Concourse is in addition to the South Concourse, which is just beginning construction as part of the Salt Lake City Dept. of Airport’s (SLCDA) Terminal Redevelopment Program (TRP). The addition of the North Concourse effectively increases the TRP from $1.8 billion to $2.6 billion.

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SLC Airport - North Concourse - Update

The Austin Okland Joint Venture are currently tying into and waterproofing the underground tunnel that runs from the North Concourse to the South Concourse. Stone column and steel pile work are wrapping up one month ahead of schedule. Underground utilities and foundation work following close behind moving West to East.